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Discounted tickets and passes for students through the mobile app




In anul universitar 2024 - 2025 doar studentii Universitatii Apollonia beneficiaza de abonamente deja reduse cu 90% de la punctele de vanzare ale CTP, sau din aplicatia 24 Pay. Studentii celorlalte Universitati trebuie sa achizitioneze abonamentele la pret intreg, dupa care vor fi decontate de catre Universitate.





Starting with the 17th of October, the students of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University can purchase reduced passes from the selling points of the Iasi Public Transport Company, at the price of 11 lei based on the student card or the student certificate in which the form of education (I.F.) must be mentioned.

The 24Pay app purchase is available starting with the 18th of October 2023.

Orphan students benefit, as before, from free passes, through the application and from the CTP Iasi cashier.

Students from the Universities “Gheorghe Asachi”, “Ioan Ionescu de la Brad”, “Grigore T. Popa” and “George Enescu” can purchase the passes at full price, later being settled by the University.


The universities have remade the database with students, in order to restore access to the purchase of tickets and passes at a reduced price from the 24pay application, and it is necessary for each student to create another account on the  platform.

For additional information, please contact us at the email address


In order to create a student account, go to Select the educational institution and enter your matriculation number, your email address and a password. After authentication, a code will be generated, which must be entered in the 24pay application, in the “Student account administration” section.

If you receive the message “Your data is incorrect”, it means that the registration number entered is incorrect or incomplete. Some faculties have added a prefix to the matriculation number, often different from the one in the student card. For example, the Faculty of Medicine uses the prefix MGR_, the Faculty of Automation and Computers the prefix AC_, etc. To find out the correct enrolment number, please contact the secretariat of the unit where you study!


Thank you for understanding!







The Iasi Public Transport Company introduces a new online way of paying for tickets and passes for students. Thus, starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, instead of EIStudIS cards, individual student accounts are created directly on the CTP Iasi platform, which are subsequently validated in the 24pay application. Once the student account is created and then logged into the app, travel documents can be purchased anytime, anywhere, in just a few seconds.


How can student accounts be created?



The student account can be created by accessing the link and completing the available fields, as follows:


  1. the educational institution is identified from the list of academic institutions;
  2. the student’s matriculation number is entered;
  3. the e-mail address and a password are entered; once entered, the e-mail address will no longer be associated with another matriculation number;


After pressing the “Authentication” button, the student will be shown a “24-pay CODE”, which he will use in the “24pay” application only once, when registering on the platform, in the “Student account administration” stage.


After creating the student account, the user will be able to purchase tickets and passes at a reduced price.


It should be noted that EIStudIS cards issued in previous years are no longer active.


Steps required for installing and using the “24pay” application by students:


  1. to download and install the “24pay” application on their smartphone from Google Play or the App Store;
  2. in the “Public Transport” section of the application and then on the “Buy” ticket section;
  3. to enter the “CODE 24-pay” generated by the CTP website by logging in through the link
  4. choose the type of ticket or pass they desire;
  5. press the “Buy” button to make the payment;
  6. wait for the transaction confirmation message;
  7. if the transaction has been completed successfully, the user will receive on the phone a QR code representing the ticket or pass purchased in an electronic format and information about its validity;
  8. the validity of the ticket or pass can be checked at any time in the “Wallet” section